in their own words…

“Not a day has passed throughout my academic career that I have not stopped to think about how my success is directly correlated to my beginnings at Meher Montessori. Whether school comes naturally to you or you'd rather spend the day drawing, Meher's teachers put forth a strong effort to teach to the student. As a result, no student gets left behind as they all start to realize that there is more than one way to learn. And thus their confidence begins to grow.
— Middle school student

Meher Montessori imbued me with an academic confidence that blazed my path forward into the world. I learned to always ask questions, to think about what was being told to me and to not be afraid to dive fully into any subject that I encounter. Not only has Meher given me the tools to succeed but it prepared me for college level classes. In fact, I often found myself reciting information I learned in the upper elementary in a marine biology or ecology class.
— High school student

Whereas any other school is cycling students through a regimented system, viewing them as numbers and statistics; Meher Montessori cares for each individual student as they pass through those doors. Giving each and every one the necessary tools to succeed not only in elementary school, but in the wide wide world beyond it as well. To this day I attribute my success to my first teacher at Meher and all those who came after.”
— High school student